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In recent years, radiofrequency microneedling has risen as one of the most effective skin rejuvenation treatments. The procedure combines the twin benefits of microneedling and radiofrequency therapy to activate your body’s dormant healing and collagen production capabilities. Consequently, your skin eventually looks smooth, flawless, tight, and youthful.

Dr. Savalia uses the cutting-edge Virtue RF Microneedling device for the procedure to ensure safe, consistent, individualized, and flawless results without harsh side effects or downtime. Please schedule a consultation at Newport Beach Cosmetic Surgeons to discuss your RF microneedling options.

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What is Radiofrequency Microneedling?

Microneedling consists of sterile microneedles penetrating the uppermost layers of the skin to create micro-injuries that trigger your body’s natural healing response, including collagen production. Radiofrequency therapy involves delivering radiofrequency waves deep within the skin tissues to heat up the underlying dermal layers, activating the body’s collagen production capabilities.

 Radiofrequency microneedling combines the benefits of microneedling and radiofrequency therapy. The microneedles puncture the uppermost layers of the skin and deliver thermal energy to the underlying layers. Your body increases skin cell turnover to replace the damaged skin cells and activates collagen production, leading to a smoother, firm, and even skin.

Cutting-Edge RF Microneedling Device

Newport Beach Cosmetic Surgeons uses the cutting-edge Virtue RF Microneedling device for this procedure.

What sets Virtue RF Microneedling is unique because of its heightened customizability. The device includes numerous settings, allowing the provider to modify it according to your specific skin concerns, texture, and quality. The doctor can adjust the microneedling depth according to your skin quality to activate your body’s healing response without damaging your skin tissues. As such, you don’t need to worry about an extended recovery.

Virtue RF Microneedling is also unique because of its comfort and painlessness. Most microneedling procedures cause mild discomfort when the needles puncture the skin’s surface. However, the Virtue RF Microneedling device includes a robotic precision delivery (RPD) system that reduces the skin of scratches or surface damage. Combined with a topical numbing cream, the entire procedure is virtually painless — no pain, discomfort, or side effects.

The Ultimate Duo

{alt_text}Ship on the sea.

RF Microneedling Treats…

  • Skin laxity and sagging skin.
  • Hyperpigmentation and melasma.
  • Right and uneven skin.
  • Sun damage and age spots.
  • Fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Acne scars and surgical scars.
  • Other textural irregularities.

The RF Microneedling Treatment

The RF microneedling treatment starts with a quick consultation with the provider. They discuss your cosmetic goals and concerns to curate the ideal treatment plan. They apply topical anesthesia over the treatment areas to ensure a comfortable treatment. After applying the numbing gel, they move the Virtue RF Microneedling device over your face.

The pen-like device makes thousands of micro-channels on the skin’s surface and delivers thermal energy into the underlying dermal layers. This triggers your body’s natural skin cell regeneration and collagen production capabilities. The number of passes depends on your specific skin concerns and goals. You can resume your daily activities immediately.

Recovery and Results

Virtue RF Microneedling is a painless, comfortable, and convenient procedure with no downtime. Your skin will look slightly reddened and pink for a while, similar to a harsh sunburn, but there aren’t any major complications. However, you can resume all your daily activities and work immediately with no downtime. You’ll be asked to avoid direct sunlight for a few days, and you should wear a high SPF sunscreen.

Radiofrequency Microneedling FAQs

How many treatments will I need?

Most patients need 3 to 4 sessions spaced 4 to 6 weeks apart for optimal results. However, the specific number of sessions will depend on your goals and concerns.

When will I see the results?

You’ll start seeing the results a few weeks after the session, with continued improvements over several months and treatment sessions. The results appear gradually as your body rebuilds the skin cells and collagen reserves.

How long will the results last?

The results usually last for a year or more, but you can extend the results with maintenance treatments. Your provider will recommend the ideal treatment schedule for continued results.

Does RF microneedling hurt?

RF microneedling is a painless procedure because the Virtue device ensures minimal skin damage. Furthermore, topical anesthesia numbs your skin, preventing any sensation. After the treatment, you might feel slight discomfort and redness on your face.

Can I use makeup after the RF microneedling?

<p>You should avoid makeup for about 24 hours. After that period, you can use mineral-free makeup for about four days before resuming your regular makeup products.</p>

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