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Many patients lament the fact that no matter how much they diet and exercise, they cannot seem to get their stubborn belly fat to budge. This is because the fat that accumulates in the midsection with age is notoriously difficult to remove through non-surgical means. 

A tummy tuck in Newport Beach can flatten, sculpt, and tighten the stomach. It is among the most popular and effective cosmetic options, known for boosting self-confidence and enhancing wardrobe choices. Dr. Savalia is a board-certified plastic surgeon and a trusted choice for abdominoplasty, thanks to his meticulous attention to detail and sophisticated eye for artistry.


With aging and pregnancy, the stomach’s appearance can be compromised in a variety of different ways. Firstly, the six-pack muscles can become separated or significantly weakened, a condition that is difficult to combat with exercise alone. Secondly, the skin gradually loses its elasticity, resulting in sagging lower body contours. Lastly, excess fat can distort the physique, making it hard to enjoy a full array of wardrobe options.

Abdominoplasty, also called a tummy tuck, can address all of these cosmetic issues at once, revitalizing the figure while jumpstarting your self-confidence. The procedure helps to restore a shapely, proportionate physique that is youthful and attractive.

What are the different types of tummy tucks available?

Mini tummy tuck

A mini tummy tuck addresses the lower portion of the belly below the navel, removing excess skin, tissue, and fat. The resulting scar is usually about six inches. While effective cosmetically, this procedure does not address separated abdominal muscles.

Standard tummy tuck

A standard abdominoplasty is ideal for those that wish to flatten, sculpt, and reshape the lower body above and below the navel. The incision is made horizontally, stretching from hip to hip, with another incision made encircling the belly button. Abdominoplasty is not a weight-loss solution, but it can be coupled with liposuction to remove unwanted fat bulges and tighten the stomach muscles.

Extended tummy tuck

This surgery adds to the standard tummy tuck by contouring not only the midsection but the hips and lower back as well. The incision extends across the lower abdomen and encircles the hips, with an additional vertical incision in some cases. Liposuction may be added to further sculpt and refine the contours. The final step is to reposition the navel in a more pleasing location.

Circumferential tummy tuck (lower body lift)

This option is ideal for clients who have experienced massive weight loss and are looking to reshape their lower bodies comprehensively. Here, the incision is longer than with a traditional tummy tuck but it allows the surgeon to reduce excess skin in the stomach while simultaneously elevating the buttocks and contouring the hips and thighs.

{alt_text}Ship on the sea.

How is a tummy tuck performed?

Abdominoplasty is performed on an outpatient basis under general anesthesia. An incision is then made according to your surgical plan. In most cases, the incision stretches horizontally from hip to hip, with the scar well-hidden beneath the bikini line. 

Dr. Savalia will then remove excess skin, tissue, and fat while tightening the underlying stomach muscles. The weakened muscles are stitched together to form a more secure internal scaffolding over which the belly skin will be redraped. If necessary, the doctor will move the navel to a more pleasing location and will use liposuction to further sculpt and trim the midsection. The incisions are then closed, and the patient is placed in the recovery suite.

Can a tummy tuck be combined with any other procedures?

Abdominoplasty, performed to tighten and firm the stomach, is a significant component of a mommy makeover procedure to help rejuvenate the physique after pregnancy. During childbirth, the six-pack muscles in the belly become separated, and barring a surgical intervention, there is little that dieting and exercise can do to remedy the situation. Abdominoplasty is often coupled with liposuction, which can work to trim excess fat in the midsection, boosting your results and creating a flatter, slimmer lower body appearance overall.


Abdominoplasty removes the loose skin and tissue that remains behind following pregnancy or rapid weight loss. The procedure also can repair lax or separated abdominal muscles. Liposuction only removes excess fat.

Abdominoplasty is about far more than just flattening out your belly. Dr. Savalia is looking to create a more toned appearance, not a pulled, abnormally taut stomach. His conservative approach to abdominal sculpting allows him to create a flattering look for a wide range of patients.


The tummy tuck is among the most effective means of contouring the midsection. When combined with liposuction, there is almost no better way to improve one’s physique. Dieting and exercise regimens simply cannot create the dramatic, slimming results that are possible with abdominoplasty. 

In addition to firming the stomach muscles and removing unwanted skin and fat, a tummy tuck has been known to help reduce instances of urinary stress incontinence. It can also help improve one’s posture. Furthermore, clients who undergo abdominoplasty tend to be more motivated to stay in shape and achieve long-term weight loss.

Benefits at a glance

  • Slims, tones, and tightens the belly
  • Helps rejuvenate the lower torso after pregnancy
  • Removes excess stubborn fat that is resistant to diet and exercise
  • Improves wardrobe options
  • Enhances self-image
  • Natural-looking results
  • Well paired with liposuction or a mommy makeover
{alt_text}Ship on the sea.

Who makes a good candidate for a tummy tuck in Newport Beach?

A tummy tuck in Newport Beach is a great option for women after pregnancy who have experienced weakened or separated abdominal muscles. It’s also a great solution for clients who have experienced recent weight loss and are struggling with drooping, excess skin in the midsection. 

Since a tummy tuck is a surgical procedure, clients should be mentally and physically healthy with no significant medical issues. They should be non-smokers who are seeking improvement in their appearance rather than perfection. Dr. Savalia will meet with you in private to discuss whether abdominoplasty is the right approach for your goals. He will perform a physical evaluation as well as a detailed review of your medical and surgical history. 

If it is determined that a tummy tuck is not right for you, Dr. Savalia can suggest many other body contouring options to help you achieve the look that you desire.


The patient has:

  • Loose, drooping skin throughout the stomach area
  • Separated or significantly weakened stomach muscles
  • Lost their abdominal shape after pregnancy
  • Found no improvement through dieting and exercise alone
  • Maintained a healthy weight for their frame
  • Finished having children
  • A positive and realistic attitude towards their results

Tummy Tuck Recovery Timeline

Immediately after surgery

You will need to arrange for a friend or family member to drive you home and assist you for the first 24 hours. You will be fitted with small drains to help escort excess fluids out of the body. A compression garment will be provided to you that can help minimize your swelling and keep your new, improved abdominal shape intact. The doctor will provide you with pain medications to help ease any discomfort.

A few days after surgery

<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">For the first several days, you will struggle with bending, lifting, or standing for long periods, so you will need help to complete household tasks and childcare. You will take antibiotics that will help ward off infection. Try to eat lightly and avoid salty foods. Avoid smoking, drinking alcohol, and processed foods, which may increase constipation. Excessive exposure to the sun should be averted for at least 90 days post-op.</span></p>

The first 1-3 weeks after surgery

By now, you will have noticed a significant improvement in your body shape. Your bandages will be removed at this point, but you will need to keep wearing the compression garment. You may be able to return to work, provided your job is not physically demanding in any way. You will need to wait at least 21 days before resuming exercise and at least 6 weeks before restarting heavy weight lifting.

The first 1-3 months after surgery

While there may still be some swelling at this point, your incision should be completely healed. The scar you see may appear raised and red, but it will slowly fade over time. You will be able to resume your normal exercise routine.

What will my results be like?

While there will be some swelling and bruising to contend with, you will be able to see almost instant improvement in your lower body appearance directly after surgery. The belly will appear firmer, flatter, and more youthful.

Once you have completed your recovery, you will enjoy a sculpted, toned abdominal look that lends itself to a whole new world of wardrobe options. Many clients feel more confident and comfortable in their bodies and are thus more open socially. They are no longer afraid to look in the mirror and actually may like getting their pictures taken. Stretch marks will be reduced, or in some cases, completely removed. Over time, the scars will fade, but in the meantime, they will be covered by underwear or swimwear.


Tummy tuck fees range from around $6,000 to $10,000 depending on the extent of the surgery and on whether liposuction is used in tandem to enhance your results. The total price will include the surgeon’s fees, facility fees, anesthesia fees, and postoperative garment fees, among others. We can offer you a personalized quote for services when you come in for your private consultation for a tummy tuck in Newport Beach.


Why choose Dr. Savalia?

Dr. Savalia is a skilled, seasoned board-certified plastic surgeon in Newport Beach. He is devoted to providing outstanding care in a cutting-edge, state-of-the-art setting. Passionate about giving back, Dr. Savalia is a Clinical Assistant Professor at USC and Keck School of Medicine, where he helps younger surgeons to master complex, delicate procedures with precision and artistry.

After obtaining his Medical Doctorate from the Jefferson Medical College, Dr. Savalia trained in General Surgery and Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, honing his mastery of the human form. He also pursued an elite fellowship in the area of cosmetic surgery techniques. This prestigious training background is one of the reasons why Dr. Savalia’s clients enjoy such naturally elegant and seamless results. Dr. Savalia was named an Orange Coast Top Doctor and Castle Connolly Top Doctor for multiple years running. and was the recipient of the Orange County Medical Association 2018 Physician of Excellence Award.

Abdominoplasty FAQs

Will a tummy tuck get rid of my stretch marks?

In many cases, stretch marks that are visible on the front of the tummy and below the belly button may be removed during a tummy tuck. Dr. Savalia can discuss the issue in more detail with you during your consultation.

Where are the scars for a tummy tuck?

Scars for abdominoplasty are within the belly button and also run across the lower stomach. Dr. Savalia is careful to place the incisions in such a way that they will be well-hidden beneath your underwear or bikini bottom.

What types of complications can occur with a tummy tuck?

Dr. Savalia does everything possible to reduce the risk of complications, but as with any surgery, in rare cases, they do happen. These may include bleeding, infection, poor wound healing, and poor cosmetic results.

Can I get pregnant after a tummy tuck?

There is no reason why a woman cannot become pregnant after undergoing a tummy tuck. However, Dr. Savalia advises against it only because it can compromise your tummy tuck results, and you may need to undergo the surgery again later.

How long does a tummy tuck take?

Surgery takes around 2-3 hours, depending on the extent of the work performed and on whether you undergo any other procedures, such as liposuction, at the same time. When planning ahead, you may want to factor in travel time, anesthesia time, and the time needed after your treatment to prepare you for going home.

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